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Exposing the Darkness and Revealing the Light

by Jul 17, 2023Projects

All over the world people are getting more and more involved with the occult, kabbalah and other new age practices. Young people are searching for the truth about their identity in all the wrong places. Therefore the Lord put it in our heart to start a project exposing the darkness so people will be set free and come into the light of the Messiah. In Ephesians 5:11 we read: “Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them.” Jesus came to destroy the work of the devil (1 John 3:8). He put the enemy to shame and set the captives free. One of our missions at Plant Hope Israel is to educate people in order to expose the darkness and to empower them with keys to deliverance and freedom. Archaeologist Jennifer Guetta comes out of kabbalah and Jesus set her free completely. With her experience, she is now teaching others on the effects of the occult, warning them and teaching them how to find real freedom through Jesus.

At Plant Hope Israel we long to set the captives free and show them the way to the light of Jesus. It is important that people are educated about the dangers of the occult, kabbalah, new age, astrology, etc and that they know how they can be set free from it. Therefore we have started a project to educate people and to expose the occult. We want to give them keys to overcome the enemy and deliverance and empower them through the Holy Spirit.

What are we doing for this project?

  • Writing articles that expose occult practices and warn people.
  • Making teaching video’s on YouTube.
  • Creating Podcast’s about these subjects.
  • Sending information out through our newsletter and through social media.
  • Having open online discussions and praying with people in need.
  • Helping the website and placing articles there so many people can find them.
  • Promoting awareness through the book Awestruck by Glory.
  • Provide technical equipment and advice to be able to create the content.
  • Promote the articles online to reach more people.
  • Provide physical and online places for speaking and organize events on this subject.
  • Support Jennifer so she has time to write and create the articles, video’s, podcasts, etc.
  • Support prayer groups that help deliverance and freedom.
  • Start a deliverance ministry group in Israel.

What do we need to fulfill this:

We mostly need your prayers and financial support. 

We long to expose kabbalah, tell the gospel, educate about the spirit realm, give people keys to deliverance and freedom. We want to give them hope by showing that God is very real and Jesus is the messiah and alive!

Sowing into Kingdom
We pray you will consider sowing into this important project.  Investing into the Kingdom is now more important than ever. Help set people free from new age, the occult, kabbalah, etc. Partner with us for the harvest.

You can make a one time donation, or help us to keep this project going on the long term by giving a monthly support (We are a Dutch ANBI non-profit organization/Stichting)


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