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20 Tips for Overcoming the Attacks of the Enemy

by Sep 16, 2019Messiah IN The Supernatural

Are you being attacked by an invisible force? Here is a list of 20 things we did to overcome evil spirits. As an archaeologist I had to learn the hard way that there is a spiritual world and how it works. In 2013 we were attacked by darkness, witchcraft and demons and we tried everything to get free. We burned inscence, poured out salt, burned sali, called mediums, and many other things. Nothing worked to get rid of the demons and curses except calling on Jesus. And then we started wondering: “why do demons listen to Jesus?”

We found out that evil spirits are terrified of Jesus. They hate him and know that he is the KING and SON of God. They know He defeated them at the cross 2000 years ago, and still have to obey him. When we called on Jesus, a spiritual battle started but we were no longer alone. He fought the battle for us. Since we were delivered we have encountered many people who are being harassed by evil spirits, witchraft and demons. Indeed, we are living in a time where the devil is looking whom he can devour. But God has not left us alone. He has already won the battle and given us many tools to overcome!

Here is a list of all the things we did to overcome the attacks of the enemy:

  1. Break all permissions and contracts with the enemy in the name of Jesus.
    We wrote out a long prayer and read it OUT LOUD (demons hear you but cannot read your mind). In the letter we mentioned the names of the evils spirits/demons and broke every permission we had given them in the name of Jesus.
  2. Call on the blood of Jesus to break all the permissions you made with the enemy. ONLY Jesus paid the price for our sins and all our agreements were nailed to the cross (Colossians 2:14).
  3. Invite Jesus to come and help. He fights the battle for you. We asked Jesus out loud to help us and HE DID!
  4. Ask Jesus to forgive your sins, and ask him into your heart. Make Him your Lord and Saviour, your rescuer, your teacher. Invite the Holy Spirit into your house.
  5. Break all curses by the blood of Jesus.
  6. PRAYER in the name of Jesus is an important KEY. Ask Christians that you know to pray for you.
  7. Read Gods Word OUT LOUD and pray it, especially the Psalms and the words of Jesus. God’s word is a sword in the spiritual realm (Ephesians 6:17, Hebrews 4:12). Psalm 91 is very powerful (The Power of Psalm 91)
  8. Learn to take authority. God wants us to rise up and as His children learn what to do and take authority over the darkness. Jesus tells us to do this (Luke 10:19).
  9. Be aware of your dreams, sometimes they are not your own. This is where temptation can easily come in, through spirits at night. Learn to fight demons in your sleep by calling on Jesus in your dreams and quoting scripture.
  10. Cleanse your house.– Physical House:Get rid of all items associated with darkness and pray over them. These items can give permission to the darkness. Especially those that have been in touch with someone from the occult. Also all things that represent something from the darkness/the occult or other religions. Don’t allow them to give permission. Pray the blood of Jesus over them and get rid of them.

    – Spiritual House:

    Think about your past and recollect places where you or those in your family might have given permission to the enemy. Ask God to forgive you and forgive those that hurt you. Pray to cleanse your mind by the blood of Jesus. Continually renew you mind by focussing on Jesus. Command all demons spirits to leave and ask the Holy Spirit into your mind.

  11. Ask Christians to come into your house and pray over all rooms.
  12. Don’t allow it back in. Leave the old behind.
  13. Worship: Bring the presence of Jesus into your house by worshipping God. This also brings in a host of angels and brings heaven to earth in your house.
  14. Pronounce the Blood of Jesus over all doors:
    – Physical… every door and window and closet door in your house.
    – Spiritual… any door you might have opened to the enemy through sin.
  15. Tell your testimony without fear, every chance you get, even if it means losing your life. Be willing to give up everything for Jesus (Revelation 12:11).
  16. Celebrate Passover/communion. Celebrating Passover/communion reminds the enemy that he is defeated by the blood of Jesus.
  17. Put on the whole armour of God by praying Ephesians 6:13 ESV
    “Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand firm.”
  18. Align yourself with Gods time /synchronize yourself with God’s time and feasts.
  19. Obey His Words, both the Bible and words he gives you personally.
  20. Most importantly: STAY CLOSE TO JESUS.
    “For the Lord your God is he who goes with you to fight for you against your enemies, to give you the victory.”
    – Deuteronomy 20:4 ESV


  • Call a medium!
  • Do a “spiritual cleaning”!
  • Invite angels into your house!
  • bring in “protective amulets”!
  • Accept all spirits with love in order to keep them at peace.
  • Pretend they don’t exist. They dont go away by ignoring them.


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