“Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord: And he shall turn the heart of the fathers to the children, and the heart of the children to their fathers, lest I come and smite the earth with a curse.”
– MALACHI 4:5,6
Bridging the nations and Israel
At Plant Hope Israel Ministries we seek to build bridges of unity between the nations and Israel, between Jews and Christians and within the church itself. Yeshua said that by our unity and love for one another people will see who He is. Therefore we actively promote unity in the church by teaching people to bless one another, and from that unity we bless Israel.
We want to bless God and love one another and bring all Yeshua’s disciples together at His table. We long to strengthen the relationship between God and man through Yeshua the Messiah, between Jews and Christians and promote restoration between the land of Israel and the nations. We hope to bring them together as one new man in the spirit of Elijah, to prepare for the day of the Lord’s coming.
Blessing as a Way of Life
A blessing is speaking an infusion of God’s love, glory and light over a person’s life. At Plant Hope Israel Ministries we want to plant hope by positively speaking blessing over each other instead of cursing, speaking out good things and complementing one another.

Words have power. God created the world with words. They can build up, create pain or love. We choose blessing instead of cursing. When we bless, we give up our pride and show that it’s not about being right, but about spreading Gods love. By actively blessing one another we see each other as God see’s us, and we see the good in one another. Blessing heals hearts and blessing in the name of Yeshua creates life and plants hope. When we become people of blessing, we build bridges to God and one another.
The more we bless, the more the atmosphere changes from hate to love and blessing creates hope in people’s hearts, and builds bridges spreading Gods love.