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Project: Water to Wine

by Aug 21, 2023Projects

Seeking more of the Holy Spirit in Israel

Plant Hope Israel Project

“Now the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that ye may abound in hope, through the power of the Holy Ghost.” – ROMANS 15:13

This exciting project from Plant Hope Israel is called: “Water to Wine”.  This was Jesus first miracle in Israel 2000 years ago and we are praying those miracles will come again. In this project we are seeking more of His Presence and anointing for healing, deliverance and prophecy. Israel is a dry country but God has made many promises for this land, that He will pour out His Spirit again and let the Living Water of Yeshua flow (Joel 2:28). Plant Hope Israel Ministries longs to see the gifts of healing and deliverance by the supernatural power of the Holy Spirit released in the lives of people so they can be set free.

We do this through education about the spirit realm and empowering believers with the gifts of the Holy Spirit to heal and set free. We long to demonstrate the love of Yeshua not just in words but also by the power of the Holy Spirit. ​Miracles show that God’s power is stronger than science and His wonders break through any situation, and show us how much He loves us. Through healing the love of God touches the hearts of men deeply in their hearts. Miracles plant hope by showing God is real and God’s power is real.

Plant Hope Israel aims for the return of the 5-fold ministry and focusses on the healing and deliverance ministry. We also seek to empower believers to know who they are and to go forth and set the captives free. We believe in the power of prayer and prophecy, and hearing God’s voice through dreams and visions.


The name of this project “Water to Wine” comes from a dream where Jesus said to Jennifer: “I will turn water into wine and my anointing will flow.” Jennifer once asked Jesus what He wants her to focus on. There are so many wonderful to speak about in the Kingdom of God. In another dream Jesus answered and said: “I want to set people free.” We truly feel this is His heart’s desire and this is the basis for this project. ​

​​What are we doing for this project:

  • Organizing Holy Spirit evenings throughout Israel.
  • Praying for His anointing and empowerment.
  • Hosting workshops and seminars on testimonies, hearing Gods voice, deliverance ministry, dreams and healing.
  • Supporting the Plant Hope Israel ministry house in the Galilee. In a dream God called the house “The Lighthouse of the Galilee” and the “Watchtower of the North”. We let His light shine there by hosting worship evenings, Bible studies, Holy Spirit nights, workshops, lectures, shabbat gatherings and the Biblical Feasts.
  • Online and offline deliverance and healing sessions.
  • Education through articles, teaching on YouTube, podcasts, newsletters, open discussions.
  • Empowering believers and training people for ministry.
  • Support Messianic believers in Israel that want to do more in this ministry.

What do we need to fulfill these goals?

We mostly need your prayers and financial support.

We hope you will support us with your prayers and also consider sowing into this important project. In this time and age, investing into more of God’s anointing in Israel is so important.

You can make a one time donation, or help us to keep this project going on the long term by giving a monthly support

(We are a Dutch ANBI non-profit organization/Stichting).

If you want to help this project please click:
DONATE and mention “Water to Wine” in the comments.


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