The Biblical Feasts are prophetic feasts with deep meaning about the past, present and the future. They are God’s feasts and reveal the story of salvation and redemption for all mankind. In the Bible, God sets aside seven festivals and calls them “Mo’adim”, which means “appointed times” (Lev. 23). These festivals were special times for God’s revelation and a time of open heaven between man and God. Many of the events in the Bible happened on the Biblical Feasts. For example the exodus and the walls of Jericho falling down both happened on Passover. When Jesus first came, 2,000 years ago, He fulfilled the first four festivals with His life (Passover, Unleavened Bread, First Fruits and Shavuot-Pentecost). As the Son of God and Messiah, He became part of the feasts and they speak about Him and He shows the way to salvation. Many believe that when Jesus returns He will also fulfill the last three festivals: The Feast of Trumpets, Yom Kippur, and the Feast of Tabernacles.
Jesus and the first disciples celebrated the Biblical Feasts. They were not just Jewish feasts, but they were God’s feasts and Jesus as the Son of God celebrated His Father’s feasts. It was on the feast of Shavuot-Pentecost that the Holy Spirit was poured out. The Father’s feasts were supernatural, prophetic and they reflected the things to come (Colossians 2:16-17 KJV). In the Bible celebrating the feast were times of open heaven when dreams from God happened, and celebrating them for Him was like worship and ministering unto God. When we celebrate them in their fullness, with the Messiah and the Holy Spirit, the blessing of God is poured out and power and unity comes back into the church.
The first Christians continued to celebrate the feasts in honor of Yeshua. Until 325 AD, when the Roman emperor Constantine stopped the celebration of Passover, the feasts and Shabbat. He decreed that Christians were no longer allowed to celebrate anything Jewish because he saw the Jews as a threat. With this edict, Christians lost their Jewish foundation and the Jews lost the connection between the feasts and the Messiah. For 1700 years the feasts have been separated and this has caused a great rift between Christianity and Judaism.
It is time to restore the feasts and celebrate them together in their fullness!
Restoration of God’s Feasts
In this project we long to restore the celebration of Gods’ Feasts in honor of the Messiah Yeshua. When we celebrate the feasts together for the Lord, as one new man, power and unity comes back into the church and the story of salvation is revealed to the Jews. God has called his children to come to His table to remember His Goodness and bless God and one another in unity and love.
Jennifer and Eliahu’s calling for the feasts
In 2015 God called Eliahu and Jennifer Guetta through dreams to organize the Biblical feasts, together with Christians and Jewish believers. God called them in a dream to organize a great Passover for the church together with 400 people (You can read the story in the book Awestruck by Glory). Between 2016-2019 the Lord kept calling them to serve in the other feasts and His Spirit was poured out. Many more Biblical feasts were celebrated, including very special Passovers in Jerusalem, and the reinstatement of the Feast of Trumpets as a great feast for the preparation for the coming of Yeshua. After the Lord brought them back to Israel in 2020, the Lord called them to organize His feasts in Israel, and he has led to special locations in the Galilee, in the City of David, in King David’s gardens, Succat Hallel and more (see picture below). They have a calling for the restoration and celebration of all feasts and they have seen God do many great miracles on these feasts.
Goal of this project :
- to bless the Lord Yeshua by celebrating His Holy days on His time.
- to restore the celebration of Gods feasts for honor of Yeshua the Messiah.
- to bring both Jews and Christians together as one new man at Gods table during the feasts.
- to educate the church about the feasts of the Lord.
- to reveal the mystery of the Messiah in the feasts to the Jews.
- to celebrate the feasts with the complete fulfillment of the Holy Spirit with power, love, dreams, healing, deliverance, prophecy.
- to bring the church together in unity at God’s table to bless one another.
- to prepare the way of the Lord by preparing His bride for His coming.
What do we do for this:
- Each year we pray about where God wants us to celebrate and He leads the way. God has led us to many special places through dreams and visions. We do not necessarily go to the same place each year, but instead follow Him and recently many of these feasts have been in Jerusalem. We celebrate and organize all the feasts, but the Lord has put our focus on Passover, the Feast of Trumpets and Succoth.
- We organize the feasts and lead the services.
- We encourage homegroups, churches, congregations to celebrate the feasts and help train them in how to celebrate in their countries and homes. It is not just about learning and teaching, but about really celebrating the feasts together in the power of the Holy Spirit.
- Teach about the feasts online through workshops, articles, seminars.
- Teach about the feasts in lectures and workshops.
- Write and publish about the feasts.
- Support Jennifer and Eliahu in their work for organizing the feasts.
What do we need to fulfill these goals?
We mostly need your prayers and financial support.
We hope you will support us with your prayers and also consider sowing into this important project.
You can make a one time donation, or help us to keep this project going on the long term by giving a monthly support
(We are a Dutch ANBI non-profit organization/Stichting).
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- Passover 2023 Jerusalem
- Passover 2015
- Passover 2019
- Passover 2019 Amsterdam God’s Embassy
- Passover 2015
- Succoth 2021