– read our latest articlesIsrael 75 years: God’s faithfulness is eternal
Voor Nederlands scrol naar beneden God’s faithfulness is eternal. He is faithful to you and also to His...
Blow the Trumpet in Zion! Feast of Trumpets 2021
On the eve of the Feast of Trumpets the Lord had called us to blow the Trumpet in Zion, as is mentioned in...
Ahava-love and the Biblical Feasts
This year we celebrated a very different Succoth than we expected. Succoth is also known as the Feast of...
The spiritual significance of Nazareth: PLANT HOPE Israel
A Dream in Nazareth Nazareth is Jesus home for thirty years of His life. Amazing things took place here:...
Bazuinenfeest 2019 Van Nederland naar de Olijfberg
Op het Bazuinenfeest, in het jaar 5780 (2019), waren we op de Olijfberg met een klein groepje gelovigen. Van...
Feast of Trumpets 2019 from Jerusalem to the Netherlands
On the Feast of Trumpets, in the year 5780 (2019), we were on the Mount of Olives with a small group of...
Halloween and the Spiritual Meaning of Trick or Treating
What does it mean in the spiritual world when we say “Trick or Treat”? As an archaeologist who experienced...
Wat heeft het Bazuinenfeest te maken met OPWEKKING?
De Bijbelse feesten geven niet alleen een profetisch beeld aan van het verleden, heden en toekomst, maar ook...