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Israel, Time and Divine Intervention

Israel, Time and Divine Intervention

God is a God of perfect timing and He often shows Himself through the perfect timing of events in the Bible and in dealing with Israel. And God is the same yesterday, today and forever. In the Bible many important events are perfectly timed. Roughly 2000 years ago,...
A Vision for Jerusalem

A Vision for Jerusalem

     A Hanukkah Vision for Jerusalem On the morning of the 8th day of Hanukkah I was praying and suddenly I saw a man dressed in a white linen robe standing by an ancient gate of an old city. The city wall was made of mudbricks, and the gate appeared as if it was...
Bring Light

Bring Light

Vision: Bring light into the world – 31-10-2015 I started praying this morning and opened the Bible to Luke 10:8 “Whatever city you enter and they receive you, eat what is set before you; and heal those in it who are sick, and say to them, ‘The kingdom of God has come...
Of Great Courage: “The Hiding Place”

Of Great Courage: “The Hiding Place”

– Haarlem, The Netherlands Yesterday I visited “The Hiding Place”, the house of Corrie Ten Boom, in Haarlem in the Netherlands. It is still there in the center of town, a museum of the past, a reminder of what could happen if we pretend nothing is going on. A reminder...

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