Our Vision
“The Lord also shall roar out of Zion, and utter his voice from Jerusalem; and the heavens and the earth shall shake: but the Lord will be the hope of his people, and the strength of the children of Israel.”
– Joel 3:16
We live in a time of great changes in society. Throughout the world we hear rumors of wars, refugees, suffering, beheadings, division, chaos, discrimination causing people to think that God is not real, or has forsaken and forgotten about them. Hope is the anticipation of good. When people have lost hope their future looks grave. For Israel and the Jewish people times are harder, fighting for survival of the Jewish people and right to exist, wondering where their God is. In Israel and the nations people are crying out to know their God. Everywhere people long for realness, in Word and in Spirit. Even in the church, 2000 years of division has created many broken people. Science and wrong archeological interpretations has also caused many people to doubt the Bible.
BUT there is hope in this world! Because the God of Israel is very real and the Messiah Yeshua (Jesus) is alive. God has not forgotten humanity and not forgotten His People Israel. He loves us and is a good God. So come together and restore that which the Lord has given us. Proclaim the good things that God has done, so the world can see that He is good and that He cares. There is hope in this broken world, because Yeshua is alive and overcame the darkness and He is busy saving the world and setting people free one by one. Miracles transcend science and the supernatural power of God breaks all logic. God’s power cuts through all theological minimalism and obliterates wrong interpretations made by man. So bless God and one another, restore history, and let there be healing among the nations. Celebrate His feasts together with believers so unity comes back the church and healing between the nations and Israel. THERE IS HOPE FOR THIS WORLD, There is Hope for Israel, BECAUSE GOD IS REAL!

“On either side of the river was there the tree of life…
and the leaves of the Tree are for the healing of the nations.” – Rev 22:2
Plant Hope Israel Ministries wants to plant seeds of hope in the hearts of men by showing them that God is REAL, Yeshua is alive, build a bridge between Israel and the church, discover the roots of our faith together and go forth in the power of Holy Spirit. We look for spiritual connection between Israel and the nations–based on the belief that Yeshua is the Messiah. In the spirit of Elijah we want to promote unity and restoration (Maleachi 4:5,6). We long to build bridges between the nations and Israel, the church and Israel, people and God, amongst believers and between Jews and Christians. We seek to call the church into unity, to come together with Israel and celebrate Gods feasts together and be a blessing to one another. We pray that the church will come to know her Biblical roots, that Israel will discover the living Messiah, and that by celebrating His feasts together we would experience more unity. We long to combine the power of the Holy Spirit with the roots of faith. Plant Hope Israel Ministries longs to see the gifts of healing and deliverance by the supernatural power of the Holy Spirit released in the lives of people, to see history restored, to educate on the spirit realm, and to testify of the wonders of God. In a time when the world has lost hope in God and peace, Plant Hope Israel Ministries aims to be a beacon of light on a hill reminding the nations that peace and restoration is possible through Yeshua and that HE WILL GIVE THE VICTORY!
Plant Hope aims to be a place for miracles, believing in the impossible, restoration and teaching, for inspiration, for the encouragement of believers and strengthening of faith. We strive for a renewed vision on science and history and archeological interpretation. We want to teach people to bless one another instead of cursing. We also long to walk in the power of the Holy Spirit and the demonstration of God’s power and miracles. We want to give hope from the nations to Israel and from Israel to the nations. Plant hope Israel want to demonstrate Gods supernatural goodness, for this generation and the next generations.
So restore history! Heal the nations! Bless God, each other and Israel! Celebrate His feasts with joy! Speak of His wonderful works! and Testify about the amazing things He has done!
TOGETHER at God’s Table.
Deliverance and Healing for Israel, The Netherlands and the nations.